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Hi-League | 9th-12th Grade

Sundays, 7:00-9:00pm

Hi-League gathers for games, worship, a reflection on faith and small group activities. Students are always welcome at Hi-League; we love new friends and there are no qualifications to come and dive into our community. We are always switching things up at Hi-League, so you never want to miss a night!

flip side | 6th - 8th Grade

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm

Our Flip Side community is one of acceptance, learning, and growing together in faith. Students gather for games, worship, a reflection on faith and small group activities. Join on retreats and Mystery Van excursions, bring your friends and learn about God, as we seek to follow Jesus together.

confirmation | 7th&8th Grade

Sundays (2x/month), 5:00-6:30pm

This two year program is for all 7th and 8th grade students. Led by Pastor Lars, the goal of Confirmation is to present an overview of the Bible and church beliefs while offering participants the opportunity to make or strengthen their personal commitment to follow Christ. The class is taught during the school year on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.


Loft Fall '23

Camp Scholarship Request Form

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412 S. Garfield

Hinsdale, IL  60521

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