Donate to Hinsdale Covenant Church
When you give to Hinsdale Covenant Church, you are investing in the ministries God has called us to in this community and in the world.
Ways to Donate:
via text
To donate via text, text the amount you'd like to give to (630) 716-9208. First time givers will be prompted to provide their payment method via a secure web page.
You will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of your securities at the time of donation, and you will pay no capital gains tax on the difference between your cost and the fair market value. Covenant Trust Company assists us in processing donations of stock or mutual funds. Please contact Mike Magnusson at mkmagnusson@covenanttrust.com for assistance.
For those who are age 70 ½ or older, you are able to make distributions from your IRA accounts directly to a qualified charity on a tax-free basis! The annual limit is $100,000 per person. And, these Qualified Charitable Distributions will offset your IRS imposed Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA accounts.
By Email
To donate via email, please email kirsten@hinsdalecovenant.com for further assistance.

In Person
You can donate in person during our Sunday services or by mailing a check to the church office. If designating for a specific fund, please write it on the memo line. Numbered offering envelopes are available in the church office.
donor advised fund
This tax efficient strategy allows you to contribute a lump sum of cash and/or appreciated assets to the Donor Advised Fund in any calendar year. You can take a current-year tax deduction for the full amount contributed (certain limits apply). Distributions are made from the DAF to eligible 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organizations over the subsequent 2+ years until the balance has been fully paid out. This allows you to benefit from a higher itemized deduction in the current year, and then qualify for the standard deduction on your tax return during the years when charitable distributions are made from the DAF. This strategy is valuable during years of high income and lump sum assets are available to fund the DAF (sale of business, inheritance).
Please email office@hinsdalecovenant.com