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Our Leadership Council is responsible for building, maintaining and overseeing the spiritual welfare of the congregation and for directing and overseeing all ministries and business affairs of the church. It is comprised of four officers, seven ministry team leaders, three at-large members, and the lead pastor.

Leadership Council

Doug Peckenpaugh, Chair

Alana Klimkowski, Vice Chair

Jack Orbell, Treasurer

Matthew Golz, Secretary

Ministry Team Leaders


Administration Ministry Leader

This team leads the administrative ministries of the church by providing for and overseeing all financial and legal matters, managing the church’s properties and supporting the church office.

Corlyn simmons

Caring Ministry Leader

The caring team provides compassionate support to our congregation through various acts of caring including: meals ministry, memorial luncheons, benevolence gifting, cards ministry and prayer support ministry.


Education Ministry Leader

The education team leads the educational and spiritual development of the church, providing Bible-based learning for all ages.


meredith mays

Outreach Ministry Leader

The purpose of the outreach team is to make the gospel known and pursue the mission of the church throughout the world. Responsibilities include: evangelism, mission trips, local outreach, ministry partnerships and missionary support.


brian fitch

Worship Ministry Leader

The worship team leads the worship ministries of the church and is responsible for chancel choir, traditional and contemporary worship and audio/visual ministries.


mike tarnowski

Fellowship Ministry Leader
The fellowship team serves to lead the ministries of the church in fellowship with one another, welcoming visitors and members, bringing all into the community, and facilitating small groups. ​​



At Large Members


Jim Bell
Jason Bragg
John Courtright



412 S. Garfield

Hinsdale, IL  60521

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