men's ministry

Men's Fraternity
Thursdays, 6:15am - 7:25am
Gathering October to November and January to March, Men’s Frat is a community gathering of men seeking to be better citizens, employees, employers, husbands, and fathers. Join us each Thursday morning to hear a great speaker and engage in meaningful discussion. We’ll have coffee ready for you!

Wednesday Morning Men's Group
Wednesdays @ 8:00am
This group for older adult men meets each week for breakfast and lively discussion about relevant topics. They often bring in special speakers, look at God’s Word and share their stories. Breakfast is served at 8am followed by a program. Meet in the Garden Court. Questions? See Pastor Greg.

Thursday Afternoon Men's Group
Thursdays @ 4:30pm
An opportunity for men to gather for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. We meet rain or shine all year. All men including drop ins are welcome. Questions? See Pastor Lars.

Sunday Evening Men's Bible Study
Select Sundays @ 5:00pm
Grow in your faith & relationship with Jesus through studying the Bible with others! No Bible study experience required!
This group meets during confirmation from 5-6:30 PM.
Meeting dates are: Jan. 12, 26; Feb. 23; March 9, 23; and April 13 & 27.
Please contact Pastor Joy if you’re interested and she’ll connect you to the group leader.

Accountability Friend
Current statistics indicate that 64% of Christian men view pornography on a regular basis. We can help by providing an accountability friend. Contact Pastor Lars for more information at lars@hinsdalecovenant.com.